
Tabris- Chapter 3

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Into the Wilds

August 21st – Mid-Day

The spires of the Tower of Ishal sat jagged against the blue sky as Fallon walked back toward camp. The guards had been rude, thought she was a servant, called her knife ears, and sent her away. "Well that's a refreshing attitude," Fallon muttered under her breath when she was denied access by Loghain's soldiers. Duncan encouraged her to explore but the first place she stopped was guarded by cruel humans.

The king had seemed genuine enough when he greeted her and Fallon had assumed it would be different here. They were out of the Alienage after all. Surely racism and prejudice wouldn't follow her all the way to the edge of the Korcari Wilds where darkspawn, witches, and other wild creatures should be a bit more important than the slant of your ears, but she was evidently wrong.

As she wandered aimlessly through the crowds of Ostagar, Fallon thought back to the day she finally opened up to Duncan, and he, in turn, opened up to her. It was a week before they arrived in Ostagar and after a sweltering day of trudging under their heavy packs they had retired by a river's edge. Fallon had not spoken in several weeks. Her heart was in serious anguish as she thought of her family and of the man who died to save her. Fallon pondered every day why she deserved to live and Nelaros should die. She couldn't come up with a proper answer. It was on this day, with a cool breeze on their face and warm bowls in their hands, that she finally decided to speak.


"You knew my mother?" She grunted quietly as the warm soup passed down her throat, warming her cold heart.

"Briefly. She was about your age, maybe younger, at the time and I was searching for recruits."

"Why didn't you recruit her into the Grey Wardens? I am sure that a life of adventure would have appealed to her."

"Yes and if I had, she wouldn't have married your father and you never would have been born."

"But you'd have a senior Warden to help fight the Blight instead of an apprentice… in fact it may have been better for a lot of people if she had been inducted all those years ago."

"You are speaking of the incident in Denerim? This was hardly your fault. Think of what would have happened if you had not been around. "

"I have." She looked down at her empty soup bowl and ran her finger around the rim to get any excess.

"How did your mother die?" Duncan asked in a very soft tone as an owl hooted somewhere in the distance.

"She was killed when I was twelve." The abruptness of her statement made it very clear that she was not interested in sharing that story quite yet. Duncan simply nodded in response and returned to his soup. There was a brief pause before she spoke once more. "Do you have a family Duncan?"

"Not a traditional family, no, but you will hopefully come to see the Grey Wardens as something of a family as well."

"There isn't a single person that leaped to mind when I asked that question? No woman in your life?"

"There is no woman, but there is a young warden I am actually quite close to..."


They had talked long into the night about a great many things and when day finally broke over the horizon, Fallon was in a much better mood. Her hatred toward herself wasn't completely diminished but at least she could speak again and no longer brooded over what had happened to her, and what was happening to her family.

The man that Duncan thought of like a son was the one he sent Fallon to find when they entered Ostagar. He told her to look around, get some food and rest, but then find this Alistair. She had already tried unsuccessfully to explore the various interesting places of Ostagar so Fallon decided it was time for a meal.

The prospects weren't good, even the Alienage had better meals then the army encampment. The soldiers hadn't gotten fresh supplies in a few weeks and much of the food had spoiled. High ranking officers and Grey Wardens were given the very best of the meals, but as far as the soldier in charge of rations was concerned, she wasn't a Grey Warden yet.

"This food's for the soldiers and you're not even one of those…." The gruff, slightly overweight man grunted as he moved a crate of dried bread out of a wagon and onto a wobbly table.

"I am a soldier; I'm here to help defend against the Blight."

"And what are you gonna do miss? Bat your eyelashes at the Darkspawn? These creatures are fearsome. They'll gut you and leave you to rot, or drag you underground to do Maker-knows-what to you….Everything these things touch is corrupted, so if I were you I'd just tuck my tails between my legs and head back to whatever Alienage I came from." The man's breath smelled like a bad mixture of onions and cheese. She doubted very heavily that he had ever been in a real battle, although really she hadn't either.

" Well why don't you go ahead and do that…. I'll be here, saving Ferelden."

"You want to help, Knife Ears? Why don't you run off and do something you're capable of… Find a nice comfortable tent to lay down in, I know some of these men are in search of pleasurable compan…. " He didn't get the last bit out before Fallon tackled him, punching him in the face. She straddled him and she repeatedly struck him in the face, rage in her eyes and blood on her knuckles.

"You… will…not…call…me…a…whore!" She said, emphasizing each word with a punch. All she saw was Vaughan, and she wanted to kill him all over again.

"What in the Maker's name is going on here?" An old woman rounded the corner, and from the simple outfit she wore and pouches at her belt, Fallon guessed she was the cook. She dismounted the man, and shook her hand as pain began to creep into her joints.

"I'm sorry… he…" The woman put a reassuring hand on Fallon's shoulder, and then went to the side of the bruised and bloody man.

"This elf just attacked me! Just cause I wouldn't give her any food! She's insane!" He whispered as he got to his feet.

"I understand… now go talk to Mother Vessa, she'll make sure you get some ointment for your injuries." The man ran off and Fallon looked down at her bloody hand. Some of the delicate skin on her knuckles had been scrapped away from the blows but a vast majority of the blood didn't belong to her. She couldn't believe her outburst or her immense hatred toward the man. Fallon had never been an angry person, she felt no ill will toward the humans as a whole, but something about the way the man implied those things made her snap. She didn't regret punching him, not even a little bit.

"Come along dear, I'll get you some proper food." The old woman had shorter hair, which was pulled back into a severe ponytail. Her eyes were blue and intense. Fallon could tell that she had been very beautiful in her youth, for she was still quite attractive now.

The woman led Fallon to a nice tent near the center of camp. On one side she could hear the chants of the Sisters from the Chantry¸ on the other, the chants of the mages. The elf knew very little about mages, only what her father told her when a friend had been taken away by Templars. They lived in tower in Lake Calenhad where they learned magic, the Chantry watched over them, and the Templars protected them. That was it. She had never met a mage before, that is until now.

"Are you a mage?" Fallon asked the older woman as she was handed a bit of herbed bread.

"Yes, why do you ask?" The woman was searching through boxes and bags and didn't turn toward Fallon as she answered.

"I've never met a mage before. I lived in Denerim, this is my first time away from home."

"How did you come to be here?" She asked as she found what she was looking for, some dried fruit and a flask. She gave both of these to Fallon as well, who took them greedily.

"I was recruited by Duncan."

"So you are to be a Grey Warden, then? I've met another Grey Warden recently. Alistair, I think his name was. Poor fellow was being harassed by the Revered Mother."

"Alistair, yes, I have to meet with him. Could you tell me where he was headed?"

"Not before you finish your meal. Poor thing must be starved. I am Wynne, pleased to meet you."

"I'm Fallon Tabris."

" I wonder Fallon, how much do you know of the Darkspawn?" In truth, Fallon knew next to nothing. They were bad evil creatures and according to the fat smelly man she pummeled, everything they touched was corrupted by them. She searched her mind for anything she could recall from school.

"I judge from your silence that it isn't much. Well how about I tell you how the Chantry believes they came into existence?" Wynne didn't wait for a response before she began. "Long ago, before Ferelden was Ferelden, a group of evil mages sought to gain entry into the Golden City of the Maker. They spent much time in the Fade, seeking to…"

"What's the Fade?"

"Its where all people, besides the Dwarves, go to dream and where spirits and demons reside. Many believe that the Fade is where we go when we die. So these mages eventually got into the Golden city and their sin turned the gold to blackness. The Maker sent them back, cursed versions of their former self. These creatures now search tirelessly for their Old Gods that were cast out by the Maker as well."

"Is it true?"

"I'm not sure if we will ever know, but its as good an explanation as any."

"The Darkspawn search for the Old Gods? Are these the ArchDemons?"

"As far as the Chantry is concerned, yes. The False Gods taught people magic in hopes of getting them to overthrow the Maker and rule once more, but it went horribly wrong and now the Seven Tevinter Gods are doomed to become insane horrors."

"That's a sad story."

"Indeed, much sadder, for we are living it now." Fallon quickly finished the rest of the bread and pocketed the dried fruit as Wynne finished the tale. After taking a swig of water, she handed it back. Wynne refused its return.

"Thank you for the food Wynne, but I must meet with Alistair." She said as she got to her feet.

"Of course, he was sent to talk to Gunther. Turn right out of the tent and head up the first stairs you see. You should find him there."

"Thank you again. Perhaps when this is all over, we could talk again."

"Perhaps, but I don't know how much I trust King Calian's assertions." With that cheery and vague message, Fallon left. Duncan had said something similar when the King thought the battle could be won quickly. Part of her was hoping that maybe the Wardens wouldn't even need her, perhaps she could return to the Alienage and see her family and…

Her thoughts were interrupted by an argument. A blonde man in armor and a dark haired mage were bickering back and forth about some sort of message being delivered. Fallon knew it was best to stay out of other people's arguments so she stood back and tried very hard not to listen. Looking around she saw no one else up there and hoped that one of these two could direct her to where Alistair was.

"Out of my way, fool!" The argument was over and the mage, in anger, pushed Fallon aside as he walked away. Fallon hadn't been prepared for the assault and lost her balance. Before she had a chance to fall on her face a hand grabbed her arm to steady her. She looked up to see that it was the blonde man, smiling. Once her feet were steady, she wrenched her arm out of his hand, uncomfortable with a human touching her.

"You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Thank you."

"One of my many jobs, annoy mages, rescue pretty woman from falling, and kill darkspawn."

"Kill Darkspawn? Are you Alistair?" She rubbed her arm where he had grabbed her. It wasn't sore but she couldn't help herself. His touch unnerved her.

"Oh you must be Duncan's new recruit, Fallon was it? I'm sorry I wasn't where he told me to meet you, the Revered Mother gave me a message and… well …the woman wields guilt so well they should put her in the army." He laughed, and Fallon couldn't help but stare at him. Why was he so at ease?

"But we really should get going, Duncan is sending you and the other recruits you n a mission and I'm supposed to oversee you."

"You are coming with us?"

"Don't worry. I'll try not to embarrass you." He smiled again and Fallon couldn't help but smile in return.

"No… I'm glad you're coming with us."

They met the other two recruits on the way to find Duncan. The first was Daveth, a Chasind thief who Fallon liked instantly. He was charming and quick witted, if a bit of a flirt. The second was Ser Jory, a Redcliffe Knight who didn't seem like he was at all up to the task of fighting the Blight. Fallon found him whiny and easily scared, but he must be talented in some way to impress Duncan.

"Good you're all here," Duncan said as the foursome stood around the fire, "Now before we get started with the Joining I need you to complete a task for me. One part of the ritual needs vials of Darkspawn blood, one for each of you. You must go into the Korcari Wilds and bring back the blood so the mages can get started on the Ritual."

"Into the Korcari Wilds… I knew it. Didn't I tell you Fallon?" Daveth said with a smile. She nodded.

"Yes, very clever Daveth but this isn't all I need of you. Long ago the races of Ferelden signed a treaty with the Grey Wardens, promising that they would come to our aide in the event of a Blight. These treaties were abandoned when the Wardens left Ferelden and the fortress lies deep within the Korcari Wilds. I need you to bring them to me."

"Do you really think we will need them?"

"I don't know Alistair, but I believe we might. Now Alistair will be going with you. He will make sure you avoid the bulk of the Horde but you will be fighting Darkspawn. I want to make sure you understand that." There was silence as the recruits contemplated fighting these creatures everyone else feared. "Alright. You have two days. Get back as quickly as you can, we don't know when the Horde will choose to strike."

Fallon knelt before the pack she had been given, stuffing it with all the supplies they had given her. The Grey Wardens had dipped into there coffers to buy the elf a sword and a dagger to fight with. She felt like a beggar and vowed never to let anyone buy her anything ever again. They would be spending two days in extremely unfamiliar territory, surrounded on all sides by vicious creatures that wanted them dead. Fallon noticed her hands were shaking as she tried to buckle her two sheaths to her back.

"You alright there Fallon?" It was Daveth. He was fully dressed in leather armor that had evidently been tailored to him. Fallon was stuck wearing worn stuff that they found in a backroom somewhere.

"Of course, its just a little chilly." It wasn't.

"We have a few moments to kill before we have to be at the gates… how were you planning on spending them?" He asked jokingly.

"I was kind of hoping I'd get a chance to beat someone into a bloody pulp, like the soldier I attacked earlier today…" She said in a light hearted, friendly tone as she finished getting around.

"That was you? Huh… what set you off?"

"What doesn't really? Look at me the wrong way, hand me the wrong sword, proposition me while I'm trying to pack… its an endless list." Daveth laughed heartily as he helped Fallon to her feet.

"I like you Fallon. You are my kind of woman."

"Hit on me again, my fellow recruit, and you'll be my kind of woman too." He laughed again and slapped her on the back. Yes, Fallon liked Daveth, and she felt that he liked her too, but it was definitely not in that way, for either of them.

As the duo neared the gates into the Korcari Wilds, they watched as they opened to allow a man and a dog entry. It was a mabari. Fallon had never seen one before but the dogs were popular among the armies since they were as smart as any human. But they were rare and could usually only imprint on one owner. If that one died, the dog was practically useless. This dog was severely injured and Fallon could tell that he wasn't likely to make it. The man stopped Fallon when he neared her.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but are you headed into the Korcari Wilds soon?"

"I believe so… why?"

"There is a flower, its quite rare, but I need it if I am to save this mabari. He ingested some Darkspawn blood and the only way to save him is for me to have this flower. Its white, with a red center. Please. His owner died and I would hate for him to die as well, he is a very good dog." With that the man wandered off into the encroaching darkness.

"Hmmm…" Daveth muttered.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, just a story my mother told me once."

"And you just started thinking about it?"

"Well it was about a magical flower that grew in the Wilds. Very rare. You could use it to do all sorts of spells and potions. That's why the witches always choose to hide out here, for that flower."


"So, the way my mother puts it, that's the reason the Grey Warden's built there fortresses here too."

"I think you are too suspicious for your own good, Ser Daveth." They waited only a few more minutes before Jory and Alistair showed up.

"All of you are ready to go then? Alright, follow me. I want you to listen to all of my commands and follow them to the letter. We will try to get out of there quickly and I'll try to keep us away from as many Darkspawn as I can." The gates opened. Fallon looked out into the untamed wilderness and lost her breath for a moment. After a quiet prayer to the Maker, she set off behind the others.
The third chapter in my fanfiction. Fallon finally gets to Ostagar and heads out into the Korcari Wilds.

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MrE1967's avatar
Ooh I love the bit where Falon beat the snot out of that guy and the dialog between her and Daveth.

I don’t know if your taking critique but I saw one of those their/there mistakes that happen every now and then when your not looking. Its closer to the bottom of the chapter and the lines start:

“Fallon knelt before the pack she had been given, stuffing it with all the supplies they had given her. The Grey Wardens had dipped into there coffers to buy the elf a sword and a dagger to fight with.”